Day: April 9, 2020

Marble or Granite

When it comes to natural stone worktops and other products, there have been cases where marble was sold as granite. Misidentifying the type of stone means that the end user will have certain expectations that will not necessarily be fulfilled. These two stones might look somewhat similar at a glance but they are vastly different when it comes to their porosity and acid sensitivity. Acid sensitivity and porosity Acidic substances like lemon juice react with the calcium carbonate found in marble. This results in etch damage. There are varying degrees of etching that can occur. The more severe the damage, the rougher the affected surface will feel. Granite, however, is not as sensitive to acidic substance. While you should still always clean up spills right away, these worktops will not prove as prone to etching. As for porosity, marble is not usually as porous as granite. Granite, therefore, will absorb

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