Day: December 4, 2014

Slate vs Granite for Kitchen Worktops

Slate and granite are both very popular options for kitchen worktops and other places in the home. Their elegance and durability is what makes them worth the price tag attached. That said, if you are struggling to decide between these two natural stones, here are some of the main difference to consider. If colour is important to you, then you might be more inclined to choose granite. Slate is generally only available in various shades of gray or black while granite may have hints of blue, red and subtle hints of black and brown. Due to the porous nature of granite, it requires sealing in order to prevent stains. You also might need to reseal it from time to time and you should take extra special care when cleaning (avoid harsh chemicals and anything abrasive). Slate is non-porous which means that it does not require sealing. Both granite and slate

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